Really impressed with thus baby monitor system. I bought it because it’s a closed system, and doesn’t need wifi to connect.
The setup was super easy to do & understand!
The video isn’t crystal clear, but I have NOT played around with it yet, so it probably could be adjusted, but it really doesn’t bother me right now. The sound is good too, & has the volume light indicator; you can mute the volume & still see if there’s loud noise on the other end.
The thing I’m most impressed by is the ability to control the video angle with the monitor at any given point, and the range of motion the camera has! The zoom only has one option, which could be improved upon but, again, not a concern for me.
The only thing that I hate or think is pointless, are the lullabies that come in the system. They sound like really poor, creepy old video game quality. So I could just do without. Adding just white noise would be 100x better.
I appreciate the ability to also monitor room temperature & that the kit comes with drywall anchors & screws for wall mounting.
Overall I really love this monitor, I only had a voice monitor for years, so I’m feeling super upgraded with this product. Even the price is affordable & nothing to complain about.