For a planner that helps prompt good health habits, I give this five stars. There is a lot of good, useful information tucked inside to help the user. Nothing overwhelming, but small and gradual changes that have a better chance of sticking and becoming habit. The various sections have plenty of room to record appointments, reminders, etc. I like the additions of Visit Logs for doctor appointments and the little sections for goals each week. It’s got the spiral, lay flat binding I’ve come to prefer for planners. Overall for the contents, I would buy this planner again.
Trouble is this planner is not sized to be used anywhere other than a desk. It’s just about the same size as a regular sheet of printer paper, and that’s too big for most purses to easy tuck away. In a backpack or tote bag, sure. I like the amount of room this size of a planner provides for me to keep track of all the little things going on, but I also like a planner that I can tuck into my bag wherever I go. With this, I’ve found myself jotting notes down on a small pad or post-it while I’m out and about, then when I get home I enter the info into this planner. Not life-altering, but inefficient.