currently had a KetoSens. great accurate monitor. easy setup. straightforward testing… stick the strip in, touch the blood, get the result. simple. refill strips are more expensive. and it was only ketones… i also want glucose.
got this. saw all these weird little pieces & vials & was just like huh? To the instructions. Well that was a mistake!!
i can get into settings… but have NO CLUE what that 1st setting is supposed to be for (its asking for a #, before it moves to the date/time)… WTF number are they looking for? Says nothing about that anywhere. Clueless. so just entered any number & moved on (knowing something was going to be wrong because of that unexplained 1st setting!). date/time easy. so its ‘setup’.
now im faced with chips & vials. umm, ok. im used to having to deal w/ just my ketosens strips… all the info was actually on the strip. but OK. now i have to insert a chip & do something (lord knows what or when!) & then match codes and… what? What does it want? i followed the idiotic instructs as best i could. & im not stupid. this should be a piece of cake! it aint!
ive tried 2 ketone strips & 2 glucose strips and nothing has worked. i get nothing but error codes. absolutely ridiculous & infuriating.
the unit? meh… it feels cheaply made. nowhere near the quality of my KetoSens unit. guess u get what u pay for!
the fact that a 3 month countdown starts the minute the strip vial is opened & its use them or lose them? pure greed on this company’s part. i dont NEED to test my ketones every 1.5 days! but if i dont ill be throwing some in the trash & needing to buy refills. real brilliant thinking… by their accounting staff!
i STILL need a glu/ket monitor, and if this company responds and walks me through EVERY setup step like a child then ill keep it. if not, it goesd back in 3 weeks for a refund!
for now i will not waste another strip or another minute of my time trying to figure this piece of junk out as im already on the verge of throwing it against the wall! GET ANOTHER BRAND!